Abodo Wood

Privacy Policy


From time to time, Abodo Wood Limited (Abodo) collects information about identifiable individuals (“personal information”), including when you use this website. Abodo is committed to protecting all personal information held by it, in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 2020 (the “Privacy Act”).

Information Privacy Principles

Abodo is bound by and complies with the information privacy principles defined in the Privacy Act with regard to collecting, holding, using and disclosing personal information:

1. Purpose of collection

Abodo collects personal information only where necessary for lawful purposes connected with Abodo’s business.

Personal information may be collected for the following purposes:

  • Considering applicants for employment.
  • Keeping employment records.
  • Marketing Abodo’s products and services.
  • Responding to customer enquiries.
  • Providing customers with products and services.
  • To comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  • For general administrative and business purposes.
  • For any specific purpose that Abodo notifies the person of at the time of collection.

If the personal information we request from you is not provided, we may be unable to provide you with requested services or facilities. We will always tell you, when we request the information, what will happen if the information is not provided.

2. Source of personal information

Personal information is usually collected from the person the information is about, but sometimes it may be collected from other people - for instance, when:

  • Getting it from the person concerned would prejudice the purpose of the collection.
  • It is necessary for the enforcement of the law or for the conduct of proceedings.
  • The person concerned authorises collection from someone else, such as where a person agrees we can contact a referee when they apply for a role with us.

3. Manner of collection

Collection of personal information will be by lawful and fair means that are not unreasonably intrusive. Most of the personal information we collect is provided by you directly – for example, when you provide your name, address, email address and phone number when you register onto our website.

We may also collect personal information when you visit certain parts of our website and provide content, feedback or suggestions. If you register onto our website, we may also collect information on your use of the site so that we can make our website as interesting as possible for you.

Finally, when you visit our web site, "sessions" technology allows us to identify your movements around our site. Sessions alone cannot determine the identity of individual users. The only personal information a session can contain is information you supply yourself.

4. Storage and security of personal information

Personal information is safeguarded against loss or unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure.

It is impossible to stop all mistakes - but Abodo has reasonable safeguards in place to prevent loss, misuse or disclosure of personal information, including by limiting the number of staff who can access the personal information.

If you consider we have breached the Privacy Act, please contact us immediately at +649 249 0100 so that we can investigate the matter and take appropriate action.

5. Access to and correction of personal information

People have a right to ask for access to personal information that identifies them. Abodo will usually grant requests for access, but it can decline a request to give access to information where, for example, giving the information would:

  • Endanger a person’s safety.
  • Prevent detection and investigation of criminal offences.
  • Involve an unwarranted breach of someone else’s privacy.

People have a right to ask Abodo to correct information about themselves, if they think it is wrong. If Abodo does not want to correct the information, it does not usually have to. But people can ask Abodo to add their views about what the correct information is, and Abodo will do so.

If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at accounts@abodo.co.nz.

6. Accuracy etc to be checked before use or disclosure

Before personal information is used or disclosed, Abodo takes reasonable steps to ensure the information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading

7. Personal information not to be kept longer than necessary

Abodo will not keep personal information for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the information may be lawfully used.

8. Limits on use of personal information

Abodo uses personal information for the same purposes for which Abodo collected that information, or for other reasons permitted by the Privacy Act.

Other uses are occasionally permitted (for example because this is required by law, necessary to enforce the law, or the use is directly related to the purpose for which Abodo got the information).

9. Limits on disclosure within New Zealand

Abodo will only disclose personal information in the permitted limited and clearly defined circumstances. For example, Abodo can disclose information if it reasonably believes that:

  • Disclosure is one of the purposes for which Abodo got the information.
  • Disclosure is required by law.
  • Disclosure is necessary to uphold or enforce the law.
  • Disclosure is necessary for court proceedings.
  • The person concerned authorised the disclosure.
  • The information is going to be used in a form that does not identify the person concerned.

10. Limits on disclosure outside New Zealand

There are greater restrictions on Abodo’s ability to disclose personal information outside New Zealand. Abodo does not anticipate that it will disclose personal information to overseas parties.

11. Unique identifiers

Abodo does not use unique identifiers for an individual (other than the individual's name) except in the permitted limited circumstances.


If you consider we have breached the Privacy Act, please contact us immediately at accounts@abodo.co.nz.so that we can investigate the matter and take appropriate action.