Technical Articles

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The modern pergola

The Modern Pergola

Modern pergola’s have been radically simplified from the complicated structures of the past. Increasingly large section timbers have been used to create chunkier looking structures.

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Building materials storage

On–site Storage Tips for Optimal Timber Protection

Timber, just like other building materials can be affected by bad handling and storage.

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End Grain

End Grain of Exterior Timbers

The end grain of timber absorbs moisture at a much higher rate than the face or edges – here’s what you need to do to prevent wicking and unsightly stains.

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Natural wood cladding textures and finishes Abodo Wood

Natural Wood Cladding Textures and Finishes

When it comes to finishing exterior timber including weatherboards, cladding and screening, surface texture can have a significant effect on performance of semi-transparent coatings.

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Sawing patterns

Grain Orientation and Timber Performance

When wood, which has a high moisture content as it grows, is dried, different contractions occur depending on the orientation of the cut made and the resulting arrangement of the growth rings.

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Box Living in Coastal Kaiwaka Vulcan Cladding Abodo Wood 4

Feature Walls – Bringing the Warmth of Timber Indoors

Timber has long been used in the construction of houses, but in recent years, architects and designers have taken to wood in a more creative manner inside the home.

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Hardwoods vs softwoods

Hardwood Versus Softwood Cladding: Which is Better?

Timber cladding systems use both hardwood and softwood, each have pros and cons. Which is best?

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Timber clad roofs

Timber Clad Roofs - Simplicity Defined

Timber clad roofs provide the quintessential alpine aesthetic.

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Rokino Road Taupo 5

Striking Rhombus Timber Fencing

A unique and versatile timber, Sand Screening in a rhombus profile also makes an attractive fence or facade.

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Timber cavity battens in use

Plastic vs Timber Cavity Battens

Cavity fixed cladding is generally accepted as the best method to fix timber cladding and weatherboards.

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Abodo grain 06

Timber Visual Grading Rules

Timbers can be structurally or visually graded, but the grading rule standards are 30 years old. So Abodo have developed grading rules for their own finished products.

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Film forming transparent wood coatings

Film Forming Transparent Wood Coatings

Film forming wood stains, oils and coatings are commonly marketed as lower maintenance wood finishes.

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