Create with Confidence

Feature timbers with lifetime beauty for climate-conscious design.

Abodo timbers are crafted to be enjoyed for years to come. Designed to age with grace, our timbers have exceptional weatherability and maintain their durability and beauty for a lifetime.

About Abodo

The Future of Wood

Abodo crafts timbers with lasting beauty that are safe for people and the environment.

Many exterior timbers are harvested from unsustainable old growth forests or are treated with harmful chemicals. Our timbers stand the test of time, they are beautiful, durable and rapidly renewable.

Formed in 2001 by the Gudsell family, Abodo remains a New Zealand family business with a purpose owned by brothers Daniel and Nathan Gudsell.

Lifetime beauty: Abodo timbers are crafted to be enjoyed for years to come. Designed to age with grace, our timbers have exceptional weatherability and maintain their durability and beauty for a lifetime.

With tomorrow in mind:
Our timbers are harvested from New Zealand’s FSC® certified rapidly renewable plantation forests. They are ethically crafted with respect from beginning to end – allowing us to meet today’s increasing needs without disadvantaging future generations.

Featured designer

Matter Architects

Jon Smith and the team at Matter Architects have created a low-maintenance, light-filled and spacious home for Lucy's family of five.

This home is about family and playful spaces, wrapped in a simple form, made up of beautiful small details – including Abodo’s innovative, sustainable timber which clads the home.
Featured project

Gibson Landing

Gibsons Landing Residence pairs Vulcan Cladding finished in the silvery tones of Sioo:x with pale stone and tiling.

Source spotlight

Restorative Practices at Kaingaroa Forest Estate

Much of Abodo’s timber is sourced from the nine forests that make up Kaingaroa, which is one of the largest plantation forests in the southern hemisphere.

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Recent news

Read more about new products, feature projects and how we're creating a more sustainable future.

Among the Pines Vulcan Cladding Architectural Series in Protector Walnut Abodo Wood

Among the Pines - California, USA

The rich, deep brown of Vulcan Cladding in Protector – Walnut helps these Tahoe homes to merge with their leafy backdrops.

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A Comparative Report on the Carbon Footprint of Different Timbers Abodo Wood

Comparing the Carbon Footprint of Different Timbers: A Study

Want to make a climate difference? Start using materials that store, rather than emit carbon during their manufacture.

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The Cantilever House Vulcan Cladding in Protector Teak Abodo Wood 01

Cantilever House – Washington DC, United States

Abodo Vulcan Cladding in Teak was chosen to help blend Cantilever House with its landscaped, tree-lined setting.

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